Weekly Newsletter – 11/2/20

Hi comrade!

Election day is almost upon us. Comrades don’t let comrades doom-scroll alone! We will be tracking results at the national level and for our endorsed candidates and ballot measures. Join us on Election Night as we take in the numbers in real time.

We may not have the final results of the presidential election for a few days, but we expect to know about some of our local contests much sooner. Our local endorsed candidates like Jake Tonkel in San Jose and Lissette Espinoza-Garnica in Redwood City are pushing the envelope on what’s possible in politics. If you haven’t voted yet, make sure to check out our Voters’ Guide.

Our objectives do not begin and end with the election. Regardless of what happens tomorrow and days after, we have a lot of work to do. Ask your friends to join DSA, and attend our Post-Election Organizing Call on Wednesday. We have a world to win!

You’ll be hearing from us again this week as results stream in and as we execute on possible contingency plans. In the meantime, we wish you a safe election day.

In Solidarity,

Your SV DSA Newsletter Team 🌹

Silicon Valley DSA is your local volunteer-run chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.


Support our local candidates: make calls tonight!

It’s our last night to get out the vote! Your calls will turn people out to vote:

Haven’t filled out your ballot yet? Check out our Voters’ Guide! If you have not returned your ballot, do not put it in the mail — it will not arrive in time. Hand-deliver it directly to a designated dropbox or polling site.

Post-Election Organizing Call

Join Silicon Valley DSA on Wednesday, 11/4 to plan our immediate work post-election. The struggle against capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, ecological destruction, and imperialism continues, no matter the results.

Protest 101

Protests are a key part of making change happen. Topics in our Protest 101 workshop on 11/5 at 6pm will include safe practices for direct action during COVID-19, navigating escalation by the police, understanding your role in a demonstration, and more.

Mutual Aid: $30k in 30 days

Get involved in the Mutual Aid Working Group!

  • Donate to the Mutual Aid Fund! We need $30k in 30 days for direct community aid in the form of money and supplies. If you’re interested in coordinating fundraisers, writing posts, or organizing fundraisers, please get in touch.
  • Volunteer for Mutual Aid! We need volunteers to provide aid – which usually means picking up groceries for someone, chatting with them by phone to connect them with community resources, or running errands – and coordinators to connect volunteers with people requesting aid. As we scale up, we especially need coordinators.
  • Fundraiser: Learn to Compose Music! Join us on Saturdays, Nov 7 and 14.
  • We started to put together a case study of the South Bay Mutual Aid/SV DSA mutual aid project for the national DSA Mutual Aid working group. Stay tuned!

Contact: mutualaid@siliconvalleydsa.org or #wg-mutual-aid on Slack.


The healthcare working group is working on our Medicare for All webinar that we hope to present to the general public in January. Check out what we have so far. We are also working to deepen our collaboration with other California DSA healthcare working groups. To that end, San Francisco DSA is planning a Nov. 15 state wide single payer strategy session that members will be attending. RSVP here for the statewide single payer healthcare call!

The Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition (SCCSPHCC) is putting on a honk and wave rally in support of Medicare for All on 11/7. The rally will meet at the Town and Country plaza in Palo Alto and go from 12-2 PM. RSVP here to attend the rally!

Contact: healthcare@siliconvalleydsa.org or #wg-mutual-aid on Slack.

Friday Social Hour

Hang out with other rad comrades at our new weekly Friday social hour! You can still get social with socialists, even amid social distancing guidelines — join us on Friday, Nov 6 at 7pm!

Connect with DSA!

We’d love to see you at our events. For weekly updates like this, subscribe to our newsletter!