
ARTICLE I. Name and Definitions

These are the Bylaws of the Silicon Valley Local of the Democratic Socialists of America (“Silicon Valley DSA”). Below, we use the term “Chapter” to refer to locals of DSA.


Silicon Valley DSA seeks to build a majority movement to liberate the US from capitalism. Instead of a political-economic system serving an elite few, we envision a society based on democratic control of resources and production, and social and economic justice for all.

ARTICLE III. Membership

Section 1. Qualifications

Membership is open to dues-paying members of DSA who live or work in “Silicon Valley” (Chapter territory recognized by DSA) or nearby, who are not members of another Chapter. Voting powers and offices within Silicon Valley DSA are reserved for members.

Section 2. Dues

Membership dues are set by DSA and must be paid to the DSA National Office. Voluntary dues may be established by Silicon Valley DSA or its Branches, but nonpayment may not restrict membership or participation. “Good standing” is determined by DSA.

Section 3. Active Membership

Members are “active” if they have attended a Silicon Valley DSA Chapter or Branch meeting in the last four months. Notification requirements in these Bylaws only apply for active members.

Section 4. Removal

The Chapter shall expel a member from DSA if found to be (i) in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of DSA, (ii) consistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, (iii) under the discipline of a self-defined democratic centralist org, or (iv) deliberately misrepresenting the positions of (or themselves as speaking for) DSA, the Chapter, or its parts.

A member must submit written charges to the Chapter Committee, which shall give fourteen days notice of a meeting (of the member’s Branch – if unclear, their nearest – or a Special Meeting in that Branch’s territory) and the charges. Expulsion requires a two-thirds vote of Chapter members present, and may be appealed to the DSA National Political Committee.

Section 5. Code of Conduct

The Chapter may institute a Code of Conduct to elaborate on removal criteria, make recommendations on comradely behavior, and set forth grievance and mediation processes.

Section 6. Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy

Sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of such grounds as age, disability, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual identity or orientation are antithetical to the principles of democratic socialism and to the vision and mission of Silicon Valley DSA. A member determined to have engaged in sexual harassment or inappropriate discrimination shall be deemed to be in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of DSA and may be considered for suspension or expulsion under Section 4 of this Article.

Silicon Valley DSA may adopt a formal policy that defines sexual harassment and inappropriate discrimination for purposes of this section and/or prescribes procedures for resolving allegations of sexual harassment or inappropriate discrimination.

Section 7. Conflict of Interest Policy

Silicon Valley DSA shall adopt a policy on conflicts of interest. This policy shall include a definition of conflicts of interest, disclosure requirements, and consequences for violating the policy. The policy shall specify under what circumstances a violator shall be deemed in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of DSA in the sense of Section 4 of this Article.

Members shall abstain from voting on matters which place them in a conflict of interest.

Section 8. Participation by Minors

Silicon Valley DSA seeks to create a positive, safe space for comrades of all ages. To that end, the Chapter may pass any policies it deems necessary governing the participation of minors in Chapter events, spaces, and organizing activities, and the conduct of people in Chapter events, spaces, and organizing activities when interacting with minors.

Membership is open to eligible people 13 years of age and older.

Members must be 18 years of age or older to serve in elected or appointed leadership positions. Members under 18 years of age shall not adjudicate harassment grievances or similar issues, and shall not be tasked with related investigations.

ARTICLE IV. Branches

Section 1. Territory

Branches are territory-based subgroups, and the Chapter’s primary democratic assembly. Territory may be reassigned by Chapter Committee consensus or a two-thirds Chapter vote.

Section 2. Charter Proposal

Members who wish to form a Branch must submit a proposed charter with (i) a Branch name; (ii) territory; and (iii) signatures of at least ten prospective members (including two initial Co-Chairs). Branches may be chartered by a two-thirds Chapter vote with fourteen days notice. Branches must elect Officers within 3 months of charter ratification.

Section 3. Membership

Each member of Silicon Valley DSA is a member of at most one Branch, as follows:

  1. A member may explicitly choose their Branch at any time.
  2. A member may implicitly choose their Branch by primarily attending meetings of one Branch.
  3. Else, the member is assigned to the Branch in which they live, if there is such a Branch.
  4. If needed, Officers may ask the member to choose a Branch explicitly.

ARTICLE V. Democratic Structure

Section 1. Votes

Votes of the Chapter and subgroups are conducted in person at one assembly, except that the Branch meetings collectively shall be treated as a Chapter assembly, and that the Chapter or subgroup may adopt additional rules, including rules that provide for absentee or online voting.

Elections for local officers and delegate positions will be held at such times and places as required by these Bylaws. All candidates will be elected by secret ballot, using an electronic, internet voting system that supports preferential voting methods. Ballots will be distributed to all members in good standing, and members will be given a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours following the initial distribution of ballots to submit their votes. Ballots must be counted within twenty-four hours following the final ballot being cast.

Each member shall have an equal vote. No member may vote at more than one Branch in a 60-day period, or vote at Silicon Valley DSA within 60 days of voting at another Chapter of DSA. No member may vote in elections of more than one Branch in a 60-day period, except that members may freely change their Branch affiliation one time ahead of the Chapter Convention.

Section 2. Areas of Responsibility

The General Membership of the Chapter is the highest decision-making body of Silicon Valley DSA and may direct or review the work of its officers and subgroups.

Branches are bound by the decisions of the Chapter. Local Groups are bound by the decisions of their Branch and the Chapter. Working Groups are bound by the decisions of their supervising body and the Chapter.

The Membership of the Chapter or its subgroups shall set the group’s goals and make political decisions. Leadership shall help ensure the group’s decisions are carried out, act as spokespersons, and ensure that all necessary work gets done.

Working Groups and Local Groups may publish statements and other communications on behalf of the chapter as it relates to their area of responsibility (per the Working Group charter or pertaining to the local area).

Caucuses are not bound by the Chapter’s decisions except as pertaining to recognition or use of chapter resources.

ARTICLE VI. Endorsements

Section 1. Ballot Endorsements.

The Chapter may make a “ballot endorsement” by a three-quarters vote, defined to include endorsements of:

  1. a candidate for external office; or
  2. a proposition appearing on a public ballot; or
  3. a petition to place a candidate or initiative on a public ballot; or
  4. a recall petition; or
  5. a negative endorsement of any of the above.

In other cases, the Chapter Committee shall determine whether an endorsement question will be considered a ballot endorsement, prior to the endorsement vote.

Branches, Working Groups, and Local Groups shall not make ballot endorsements.

A caucus may endorse according to internally democratic rules as long as the caucus does not misrepresent the endorsement as an endorsement by the chapter.

Section 4. Use of Resources.

The Chapter shall not campaign for (or use any resources for) candidates, propositions, petitions, or other causes that would qualify as a ballot endorsement, unless the Chapter has made such an endorsement. This ban applies to all parts or agents of the Chapter except caucuses.

Section 6. Scheduling Endorsement Votes.

Endorsement votes require fourteen days notice. Votes may be scheduled by the Chapter Committee or by a petition by five members.

Section 7. Voter Recommendations.

The Chapter may, by a simple majority, vote to make a “voter recommendation” for a candidate or on any question eligible for a ballot endorsement as defined in Section 1. Voter recommendations may be published (for example, as part of a voter guide) but the chapter shall not commit resources in the sense of Section 4.

Section 8. Endorsement Revocation

Heading 1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Section:

“Ballot endorsement’s campaign” refers to the primary campaign committee, or equivalent representative, behind a ballot endorsement. “Ballot endorsement” has the same meaning as in Article VI, Section 1 of these Bylaws.

Heading 2. Reassessment

Members of Silicon Valley DSA reserve the right to revoke any ballot endorsement. Endorsements may be revoked for reasons including, but not limited to, substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of Silicon Valley DSA.

Any member can initiate a reassessment of a ballot endorsement by submitting a resolution to discuss reassessment, pursuant to the general timeline and requirements for resolutions as specified in Article XVI, Section 1 of the Bylaws. This resolution must include:

  1. A rationale for reassessment
  2. A Reeducation Period: a specified timeline of at least ten days for the ballot endorsement’s campaign to respond and engage with members in good faith about the concerns raised.

Following the successful passage of a reassessment resolution by a simple majority at a Chapter meeting, the Chapter Committee must notify the ballot endorsement’s campaign within 24 hours in writing.

Heading 3. Reeducation Period

The Chapter Committee, the interested members who initiated the reassessment resolution, and all other interested members, will reach out in good faith to attempt to reeducate the ballot endorsement’s campaign for the specified period in Heading 2. The intent of this education process is for the campaign to rectify, in writing, their mutually agreed violating stances, by acknowledging any harms caused and making material commitments to realign themselves with our policies and principles. The format of this process is not prescribed by these Bylaws.

Heading 4. Endorsement Revocation

If, following the Reeducation Period described in Headings 2 and 3 of this section, a ballot endorsement’s campaign continues to have irreconcilable differences with Silicon Valley DSA, the ballot endorsement may be revoked.

Endorsement revocation votes require ten days notice before a Chapter meeting. Votes may be scheduled by the Chapter Committee or by a petition by five members. Endorsement revocation requires a simple majority vote to take effect.

ARTICLE VII. Election Methods

Section 1. Method for Proportional Elections

Part 1. Competitive elections

An election is considered competitive if there are more candidates than contested seats.

Competitive elections that require proportional representation shall use Single Transferable Vote tallying (Scottish STV or a method approved by the Chapter), modified to accommodate representation requirements. Such elections shall include (i) Branch Committees and (ii) Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies.

Competitive elections shall give precedence to these traditionally underrepresented groups:

  1. Half of available seats in an election shall give precedence to members who are not men
  2. One-third of available seats in an election shall give precedence to people of color (POCs)

How to calculate precedence:

  1. If contested seats do not meet precedence rules, but there are additional candidates that meet precedence rules, then seat all the candidates of precedence that were elected, and then (i) reserve one seat for the candidates of precedence and calculate the winner for that seat using Condorcet, (ii) recalculate the winners for the other seats using STV.
  2. If the other seats still do not meet precedence rules, repeat step 1 until the precedence rule is fulfilled, or all candidates who meet the precedence rules are seated.

Example to calculate precedence:

  • Consider an election with 10 seats, where half of those seats give precedence to non-men. There are 10 men running, and 10 non-men running.
  • Let’s say that 7 men and 3 non-men would win the election if there were no precedence rules.
  • Using our precedence calculation, to make sure that 5 seats give precedence to non-men, we would declare the 3 non-men elected, then choose the best non-man candidate for a seat using Condorcet, and then hold an STV election for the remaining 6 seats.
  • If the precedence rules are still not met, hold another Condorcet election to elect a non-man, and then another STV election for the remaining 5 seats.

Rounding shall be to the nearest whole number, except that half always rounds down.

Part 2: Non-competitive elections

An election is considered non-competitive if there are not more candidates than contested seats. In such a non-competitive election, members shall vote to seat each candidate with a simple majority vote.

Section 2. Method for Co-Chair, Chair, and Vice-Chair Elections

Elections that do not require proportional representation shall use a Condorcet method. Such elections shall include Co-Chair, Chair, and Vice-Chair Elections. When electing Co-Chairs, one of the two Co-Chairs must not be a man.

Section 3. Representation Requirements

Representation requirements are based on self-identification only.

Section 4. Leadership Requirements

No member may serve on the Chapter Committee while being appointed Harassment Grievance Officer, Treasurer or Secretary. Members are allowed to run in elections while holding these positions, but must resign if choosing to take up an Officer position. Co-chairs of Working Groups and Local Groups may choose to resign or continue their former position if elected to the Chapter Committee.

Section 5. Chapter and Branch Leadership Elections

When running for an officer position, candidates shall indicate whether they are willing to serve in a Co-Chair role. Voters complete two ballots:

  • A “Branch ballot” where they may rank candidates in their Branch, and
  • A “Chapter ballot” where they may rank candidates Chapter-wide who indicated they are willing to serve in a Co-Chair role.

Branch Officers shall be elected by Branch members per Section 1 using the Branch ballot. The Branch Officers-elect who indicated they are willing to serve in a Co-Chair role are Chair Candidates.

Branch Co-Chairs shall be elected by Branch members per Section 2, using the Branch ballot, with eligible candidates being Chair Candidates from that Branch. Chapter Co-Chairs shall be elected by Chapter members per Section 2, using the Chapter ballot, with all Chair Candidates being eligible.

For any Branches that are not represented by a Chapter Co-Chair, the highest-ranking (per Section 2) Chair Candidate from that Branch wins election as a Vice-Chair of the Chapter.

If Co-Chair or Vice-Chair seats remain unfilled due to lack of Chair Candidates, candidates not running for chair shall be considered eligible.

Section 6. Working Group and Local Group Co-Chair Elections

Working Group and Local Group Co-Chairs shall be elected using Approval Voting. Only candidates who win approval from a majority of voters shall win the election. The following requirements shall apply.

  1. Working groups and Local Groups can elect up to four Co-Chairs.
  2. Half the seats filled (rounded down) shall be reserved for non-men.
  3. For Chapter-wide Working Groups, Branch representation shall be maintained. If there are two Branches, each branch has two reserved seats; if there are three Branches, each Branch has one reserved seat; if there are four or more branches, no Branch shall have more than one seat.

Section 7. Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies

Delegates and alternates to the DSA National Convention or State and Regional bodies shall be elected by the Chapter following the process and requirements in Sections 1 and 2, except that any remaining vacancies after Section 1 is exhausted shall be filled by nomination from the floor and majority approval, with representation requirements no longer applying.

Delegation Chairs or Co-Chairs (if requested by the National, State, or Regional body, or by the Chapter) shall be selected by a Condorcet method from among delegates that indicate willingness to chair the delegation.

Runners-up shall be ranked by the same Condorcet method as in Section 2. All runners-up are eligible to be alternates, up to a maximum of 5 (or a different number voted on by the Chapter). Late nominations for alternates may be approved by a simple majority.

ARTICLE VIII. Steering Bodies: Composition

Section 1. Steering Bodies

The steering bodies of the Chapter, and its Branches are the Chapter Committee (or Steering Committee) and the Branch Committees, respectively. Committee members are “Officers.” All officers must be members in good standing of Silicon Valley DSA.

Section 2. Chapter Committee

The voting members of the Chapter Committee are the Branch Officers from all Branches, including two Co-Chairs and optional Vice-Chairs.

Section 3. Branch Committees

Branch Committees have 5 voting members, including two Co-Chairs.

Section 4. Appointed Chapter Officers

The Chapter Committee shall appoint a Treasurer and a Secretary. Co-Chairs of the Chapter or a Branch (or Vice-Chairs of the Chapter) may not hold these roles.

Section 5. Appointed Branch Officers

The Officers of each Branch may appoint an Assistant Treasurer and/or an Assistant Secretary to assist in the Treasurer or Secretary’s duties.

Section 6. Observers on the Chapter Committee

Appointed Officers are non-voting Observers on the Chapter Committee.

Each Local (or prospective Local) of the Youth Section of DSA in Chapter territory may send two non-voting Observers to the Chapter Committee, once that Local is recognized by our Chapter.

Non-voting Observers shall be included in Chapter Committee discussion channels and may make motions in Chapter Committee meetings or initiate votes. However, non-voting Observers shall have no role in adjudicating harassment grievances or similar issues, and shall not observe Executive Session except where this is specified in the authorizing motion.

ARTICLE IX. Steering Bodies: Duties

Section 1. General Duties

All steering body actions are subject to review by the group. The steering body shall:

  • implement the group’s decisions, and act on its behalf where immediate action is needed
  • foster political education and leadership development
  • organize the group’s meetings and ensure fair, democratic votes and elections
  • coordinate with other parts of the Chapter, and select representation to outside groups
  • support associated Committees or Working Groups and receive their reports
  • authorize expenditures from the group’s funds (for expenses under $100, approval from both Co-Chairs is sufficient)

The steering body may make recommendations to the group by a two-thirds vote, which shall be placed on a Consent Agenda distributed fourteen days ahead of the group meeting.

Co-Chairs shall act as the official public spokespersons for the group.

Section 2. Chapter Committee Duties

Additionally, the Chapter Committee shall facilitate collaboration among the Branches and receive their reports, and communicate with the national DSA.

Section 3. Appointed Chapter Officers

The Treasurer shall have custody of group funds and manage group finances, and shall (i) present budget updates on a quarterly basis, as well as an end-of-year financial statement; (ii) authorize expenditures according to Chapter Committee direction (with prior approval if over $100), preferring contracts with union labor; and (iii) collect dues (if applicable) or donations. If a treasury is kept, it must be deposited in a local credit union, if available. Corporate donations are forbidden.

To help the Chapter work democratically, efficiently, and transparently, the Secretary shall:

  • Ensure timely distribution of notices for upcoming votes, meetings, agendas, and minutes for the Chapter and all of its affiliated parts.
  • Maintain non-confidential Chapter records, including a list of upcoming votes and an archive of past decisions, in an online storage medium easily accessible to members.

Section 4. Meetings

The steering body may meet by mutual agreement. Members of the steering body, including Observers, as well as active members of the Chapter or Branch (as applicable), must be given four days notice; or one day in special circumstances. If a voting member of the steering body objects to the finding of special circumstances, the meeting shall not be held and its decisions are void. A quorum is required. A quorum here is defined as either one-half of voting members or two voting members, whichever number is greater. Written minutes shall be published to the chapter.

The Chapter Committee shall meet at least monthly.

The Chapter Committee may, by a three-quarters majority, adopt a policy on voting between meetings. This policy shall apply to all steering bodies. Minutes shall be published to the Chapter.

Meetings of steering bodies shall be open to members of the Chapter or Branch (as applicable). The steering body shall accommodate speaking time for members to the extent feasible. The steering body may vote to enter Executive Session when discussing sensitive matters such as personnel.

Section 5. Records

Steering body members shall transfer official records in good condition to their successors, including minutes, sign-in sheets, membership lists. and financial records. Under no circumstance may a former Officer keep or make use of non-public official records of the steering body, except to transfer them to their successors or as agreed upon by the steering body.

ARTICLE X. Steering Bodies: Terms, Recall, and Vacancies

Section 1. Terms

Elections shall be held at the Chapter Convention. Terms are year-long, lasting until the next election. If a vacancy is filled, the new Officer serves the remainder of the term.

Section 2. Recall

A referendum for recall of an Officer may be called by a motion of no confidence put forward by five SVDSA members, and shall require a two-thirds vote with fourteen days notice.

Section 3. Vacancies

Individual vacancies may be filled by a majority vote. Otherwise, a new election shall be held for the vacant seat(s) within 45 days, following Article IX and maintaining gender balance.

Section 4. Personal Leave

Branch Officers may request a temporary leave of absence of one to three months. The Chapter Committee shall be notified in writing about the reason for the leave of absence and the estimated length of the absence. The Chapter Committee shall acknowledge the leave of absence. The Branch shall appoint a replacement at a General Meeting to serve while the Officer is absent. If an Officer would like to take more than three cumulative months during a one year term, the Chapter Committee may vote to accept the leave of absence, or may request the Officer’s resignation.

ARTICLE XI. Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings

The Chapter, Branches, Working Groups shall hold Regular Meetings on a set cadence.

The Chapter shall hold Regular Meetings at least three times per year, not counting Branch Meetings that collectively act as the Chapter. Branches shall hold Regular Meetings at least eight times per year. Working Groups shall hold Regular Meetings at least monthly.

The Chapter Committee and Working Groups shall coordinate to set a predictable, recurring cadence for meetings, avoiding timing conflicts if feasible.

Section 2. Chapter Convention

The Chapter shall meet in Convention annually in March (or, at the direction of the membership, in February or April). The Chapter Convention shall feature Officer elections, shall develop goals and a vision to guide the Chapter for the new term, and shall include political education programming such as workshops or guest speakers. Additionally, the Chapter Convention has the same authority as a Regular or Special Meeting of the Chapter.

Section 3. Special and Emergency Meetings

The officers of the Chapter or a Branch, or the leadership of a Working Group, may call an Emergency Meeting of that group on five days notice when an urgent, important matter needs deliberation, or a Special Meeting on fourteen days notice. Emergency Meetings shall only make decisions relevant to the emergency in question.

Special and Emergency Meetings of the Chapter may be held in a single location, or by each Branch, as determined by the Chapter Committee.

ARTICLE XII. Rules of Meetings

Agendas shall be distributed to active members at least seven days ahead of Chapter, Branch, or Working Group meetings. Such meetings reach quorum with one fifth of active members. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised are the fallback rules of meetings of Silicon Valley DSA bodies. This means that any member may at any time move that the meeting follow Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

ARTICLE XIII. Working Groups

Section 1. Definition

Silicon Valley DSA may charter Working Groups for a particular purpose in line with the Chapter’s mission, such as: performing a specific function (e.g., outreach, design), organizing around an issue, project, or campaign (e.g., housing, healthcare).

Section 2. Charter

Members who wish to form a Working Group must propose a charter including (i) a name; (ii) whether it will report to the Chapter or a Branch; (iii) objectives; (iv) initial strategy; (v) duration; (vi) anticipated use of funds; and (vii) membership criteria. The proposed charter must also include a list of at least five prospective Working Group members (including leadership), who are active members of Silicon Valley DSA and have agreed to be listed.

The new Working Group shall be chartered by a vote of the proposed supervising body with fourteen days notice of the proposed charter. The Working Group may propose Charter amendments to be voted on by the supervising body with fourteen days notice.

Section 3. Annual Re-Chartering

The charters of Working Groups created in a prior calendar year expire at the annual Chapter Convention. To re-charter a Working Group, five active members must indicate they would like to continue the Working Group. An “active” working group member is defined as someone who has participated in a project bottom-lined by the working group in the past three months, or a member who commits to participating in a future project bottom-lined by the working group. The general membership of the supervising body shall then vote on whether to renew the Working Group. If re-chartered, the Working Group leadership remains the same.

Section 4. Leadership

Working Group leadership shall organize their Working Group, run meetings, and act as liaisons to the supervising body.

Each Working Group is led by up to four Co-Chairs. The Working Group leadership is elected by the Working Group membership.

Interim Working Group leadership is subject to the same representation requirements as elected Working Group leadership.

New Working Groups shall elect leadership within 3 months of chartering. Working Group leadership terms expire each November and May, for a standard term of 6 months.

Section 5. Recall

A referendum for recall of a Working Group leader may be called by a motion of no confidence put forward by five members of the group that elected that leader (or a majority of the active membership, if this is fewer than five), and shall require a two-thirds vote of that group with fourteen days notice.

Section 6. Records

Working Groups shall maintain meeting minutes to be made available to the Chapter membership. Members maintaining custody of records shall transfer them in good condition to their successors.

Working Group leaders shall track Working Group membership, attendance, and interest. The Chapter Committee shall provide tools for that purpose. The Chapter Committee and Working Group leaders shall jointly manage membership contact information.

Section 7. Branches

Chapter-wide Working Groups may institute a Branch system with the same divisions as the Chapter.

Section 8. Dissolution

Working Groups shall dissolve upon the expiration of their duration, or by non-renewal of their charter. To dissolve a working group by a vote of the group’s active members, fourteen days notice must be given. Any active working group member may request a dissolution vote, but the vote to dissolve must be unanimous, otherwise the working group remains chartered until the next re-chartering period. Members are allowed to dissent digitally.

To dissolve a working group by vote of the supervising body, fourteen days notice must be given, and two-thirds approval is required for dissolution. If dissolved, the working group transfers all assets to the supervising body.

ARTICLE XIV. Local Groups

Section 1. Definition

Local groups are organizing bodies which form around location, and are tasked with organizing around issues relevant to the particular locality.

Section 2. Petition for Formation 

To become a local group, at least 5 SV DSA members in good standing must sign a petition for formation. The petition for formation must specify the territory of the proposed local group. The petition for formation must specify an elected leadership structure, with at least two elected leadership positions. All signatories must live or work in the proposed area of the local group. The Chapter may vote to accept a local group’s petition for formation by a simple majority.

Section 3. Overlap

Local groups territories are defined by either city boundaries or zip codes, as specified by the  petition for formation of the local group. No area can be contained within the territory of more than one local group. Where only part of a city is contained within a local group, multiple local groups may exist in the same city. Where a zip code is shared between cities or unincorporated areas, multiple local groups may share a zip code.

Section 4. Leadership

Each Local Group is led by up to four Co-Chairs. The Local Group leadership is elected by the Local Group membership. Local groups may create other leadership roles as needed, by a 2/3rds vote.

Section 5. Provisional Local Groups

The Chapter Committee shall work to foster Local Groups in all areas of the Chapter. To that end, the Chapter Committee (or a designated subcommittee) may create Provisional Local Groups in areas not yet covered by a Local Group. Provisional Local Groups are intended as precursors to Local Groups, working towards the same goals but not yet assuming the powers of a Local Group.

ARTICLE XV. Caucuses

Caucuses are subgroups for a constituency (e.g., women, labor, or people of color) or ideological tendency. Caucuses shall not be created to represent a particular local area. Members who wish to form a Caucus must submit a proposed charter with (i) a Caucus name; (ii) purpose; (iii) membership criteria; and (iv) a list of at least five prospective Caucus members who are active members of Silicon Valley DSA and have agreed to be listed.

The Chapter Committee must recognize all such groups as Caucuses as long as they align with the Chapter’s purpose (see Article II) and are run democratically. Such recognition shall not be construed as having authority to officially act on behalf of the Chapter. Caucuses are permitted to announce their meetings using the communication channels the Chapter uses to announce meetings of the chapter, and may use the Chapter’s internal forums for discussion. Caucuses may dissolve themselves by notifying the Chapter Committee.

A Caucus may dissent from a Chapter endorsement by a simple majority.

ARTICLE XVI. Amendments and Resolutions

Section 1. Submission Deadlines

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws or resolutions must be made in writing and endorsed by five members of Silicon Valley DSA. Amendments to these bylaws must be submitted to the Chapter Committee twenty-one days in advance of the first meeting at which they are to be introduced. The Chapter Committee must provide fourteen days notice. Resolutions must be submitted to the Chapter Committee ten days in advance of the first meeting at which they are to be introduced. The Chapter Committee must provide seven days notice.

Section 2. Creation of a general or branch meeting agenda

The agenda of a general or branch meeting shall initially be drafted by the Chapter Committee or a designated committee. The draft agenda shall then be ratified by the Chapter Committee and adopted by a majority vote.

Submitted resolutions are not guaranteed to be allocated time on the agenda. Any resolutions submitted in accordance with these bylaws, as laid out in Section 1, and not allocated agenda time shall still be voted on.

Any resolution submitted in accordance with these bylaws, as laid out in Section 1, which has not been allocated agenda time, may be allocated agenda time by a simple majority vote of the membership present at the meeting in question.

Any resolution submitted less than ten days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be introduced may either be added to the agenda or directed to be voted on online, by a 2/3rd vote of the membership present. These resolutions must also have been endorsed by at least five Silicon Valley DSA members.

Section 3. Vote Thresholds

Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter. Resolutions shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the chapter.

ARTICLE XVII. Prohibited Activity

Silicon Valley DSA shall not engage in activity prohibited by law, the DSA Constitution and Bylaws, or resolutions of the DSA National Convention or National Political Committee. Any action in contravention of these Bylaws taken by an officer or member of the Chapter, or by any committee or assembly of the Chapter or its Branches, is null and void.

ARTICLE XVIII. Dissolution

If Silicon Valley DSA dissolves, all remaining funds and assets shall be released to DSA.

ARTICLE XIX. Ratification

These Bylaws must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of a meeting of each existing Branch to initially take effect, in addition to any requirements in the prior bylaws (unless suspended).