Win the ADEM elections with DSA!

This January, we’re working to elect members of our DSA chapter as state delegates to the California Democratic Party. If elected, they would have a voice in the party’s endorsement process. They would take a stand against corporate power and for crucial policies like:

  • Housing for all. Protect tenants, stop gentrification, and guarantee housing as a right.
  • A Living Wage. Dignity for all Californians.
  • Justice. End racist police violence and abolish ICE.
  • A Green New Deal. Invest in our future, environmental justice, and environmental protection.
  • Medicare for all. Meet everyone’s healthcare needs, and cut out the profit motive.

We need your vote to make it happen.

OK, what do I do?

  1. Look up your Assembly District number. Delegate elections are conducted per Assembly District. (We also have a map.)
  2. Find your ADEM caucus time and place! For local Silicon Valley caucuses where we’ve endorsed DSA members, see below. Elsewhere in California, see here.
  3. Know your candidates Members of Silicon Valley DSA voted to endorse candidates in districts 22, 24, and 28 covering parts of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. For candidates in your district, see below!
  4. Vote in person in the two-hour window on the caucus day.

Our Candidates

Assembly District 22

Saturday, January 26. 10am-12pm
San Mateo City Hall
330 W. 20th Avenue. San Mateo

Vote for

  • Joseph “Joe” Little

Assembly District 24

Saturday, January 26. 10:45am-12:45pm
Hillview Community Center
97 Hillview Avenue. Los Altos

Vote for

  • Sally Lieber
  • Rebecca “Parker” Mankey
  • William Mankey
  • Johannes Muenzel
  • Margaret Okuzumi

Assembly District 28

Sunday, January 13. 3pm-5pm
Campbell Community Center
Orchard City Banquet Hall
1 W. Campbell Avenue. Campbell

Vote for

  • Alex Gould
  • Jessica Matthew

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be registered to vote?

To vote, you need to be a registered Democrat in your Assembly District. You can register day-of.

Isn’t DSA a political party?

We’re not! We’re an activist organization, not a party. Some of our members are registered with a political party; some are “No Party Preference”; and some are not eligible to vote. What unites us is our belief that a better world is possible.

Why is SV DSA getting involved in party politics?

We need to hold elected officials accountable. As popular opinion has shifted to the left, Democrats have started to talk the talk on key issues like Medicare for All—but they don’t walk the walk. In the most recent legislative session, elected Democrats blocked Medicare for All in California, despite more than 70% of Californians being in favor of single-payer healthcare.

More broadly, our local chapter works on what our members want to work on—we’re putting democracy into practice.

Does my vote matter?

Yes! The ADEM elections are not very well attended: in most districts, there are fewer than 1,000 voters. That’s less than the typical school board race! It only takes a few votes to turn the tide.

Even though there are few that turn out compared to standard elections the fields can be competitive and every corporate democrat running will call themselves a progressive. We need our educated membership and allies to go and not be fooled by the corporate stooges posing as wannabe leftists.

How can I help?

Vote if you can! But even if you can’t, or would prefer not to register as a Democrat, you can volunteer for our candidates. Sign up here or email us at!

The most powerful thing you can do is to bring a friend (or 10) out to vote. 🙂

What’s an ADEM?

ADEM stands for “Assembly District Election Meeting”—it’s a caucus election internal to the Democratic Party, where “Assembly District Delegates” are elected.

Wait—who are you?

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a grassroots org fighting for a world where all of us have power in our workplaces and communities. We’re a “big-tent” democratically-run organization, and we pursue a range of tactics like mutual aid, policy advocacy, political education, and electoral work. Volunteers from our local chapter, Silicon Valley DSA, work on issues ranging from housing to environmental justice.

Get involved through our local meetings and events and if you support the work we do, join us as a member!